Waves Crashing

by Peter Cutler
Original - Not For Sale
30.000 x 13.000 inches
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Waves Crashing
Peter Cutler
Painting - Brush, Ink, Rice Paper
One Stroke Painting
One stroke and all this happens. Ink, water and brush dance together, like ocean waves rising and falling. Don't ask me how it happens. You could as soon ask me to explain life or eternity. It happens. This is all we know. And now you too are witness.
The great secret of artists is that we are playing. That is all. We play until something beautiful emerges. And then we play some more. Playing is fun. It's not the finished painting that matters. It's the playing. It's that continuous moment of discovery and joy. We are simply two years olds who have never outgrown our love of play. Thank God. Museums and galleries make it all seem so serious and precious. It's not. It's just play. Maybe you can find this great joy, love and discovery in this painting. Then you're playing too.
October 2nd, 2018
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