Mindfulness / Nen / Now Mind

by Peter Cutler
Original - Not For Sale
18.000 x 24.000 inches
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Mindfulness / Nen / Now Mind
Peter Cutler
Painting - Brush, Ink, Rice Paper
Nen / Mindfulness / Now Mind
Original calligraphy by Zen monk and artist Peter Cutler. The Japanese kanji for Nen, in English mindfulness. The top symbol means "now" or "present moment". The bottom symbol means "mind", "heart" or "spirit". You could also translate this as "now mind", a mind that dwells in the present moment.
Our practice of Zen is to dwell solidly in the present moment, to not be lost in the past or future. This calligraphy is a wonderful reminder and direction for our practice and our life. The top symbol is like a roof that protects our life from distractions and a mountain that offers solidity to our practice. It points to a mind that is free, fluid and fully available to each moment.
May the transmission of this calligraphy help your life in wonderful ways.
The small red chop or seal at the bottom right is Chinese for "True Virtue". It is the Dharma name given to Peter by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
July 12th, 2018